Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Craft Tips 1

Here's a picture of a Tinkerbell and a Silvermist painting that I did. There's a trick to doing acrylic  painting like I did is simple. You find a picture of the thing you want to paint and then print it ( in color). Take a fabric softener sheet and staple or tape it on top of the picture. Trace it with a black pencil. ( I traced the detailed parts before I stapled it down so you can see it when it is stapled down). After the design is on the sheet, take your canvas ( I used a piece of cardboard)  tape ( staples would leave holes) the sheet onto your canvas, take the black pencil and trace the design from the sheet onto the canvas. You probably have to rip the sheet with the pencil for the pencil to bleed through  After the design is on the canvas, you paint! You will probably want the color reference of your picture, which is why you should print it in color.


Sorry it's sideways, but I can't flip it.

    Silvermist is right side up, but foggy. Sorry!

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